How to use a stitch marker
Novice crochet enthusiasts are commonly directed towards engaging in projects executed in rows, such as scarves. Nevertheless, within the realm of The ICrochetIt, we advocate for an approach that posits learning crochet with even greater ease—namely, by delving into the technique of crocheting in the round. This methodology eliminates the need to interrupt the crocheting process or flip the work.
The process of crocheting in the round commences with the creation of a circular foundation, followed by progressing around the circle to incrementally build additional rounds. Maintaining awareness of one's position can be challenging in this technique, as, ideally, the transitions between rounds should seamlessly blend, rendering it difficult to discern where one round concludes and the next initiates.
It is highly advisable to consistently place a stitch marker under the top loops of the initial stitch in your ongoing round. This practice proves invaluable for several reasons that will greatly benefit your crochet endeavors in the long run:
- Error Detection: By placing a stitch marker at the commencement of each round, you enable yourself to promptly identify mistakes. Upon completing a round, conduct a stitch count, ensuring alignment with the designated pattern. The stitch marker serves as a reference point for initiating the count.
- Stitch Count Recovery:In instances where you lose count of your stitches, the stitch marker becomes an invaluable guide. Simply resume counting from the stitch marker to swiftly regain your stitching position.
- Efficient Mistake Correction: Inevitably, errors may occur during the crocheting process. However, with the strategic placement of a stitch marker, rectifying mistakes becomes more streamlined. Unraveling stitches becomes a targeted process, limited to the section between the error and the stitch marked by the stitch marker. This approach minimizes the need to unravel the entire project whenever a mistake is made, ensuring a more enjoyable crafting experience.
Therefore, I strongly recommend acquainting yourself with the skill of utilizing stitch markers, as it will significantly contribute to the precision and efficiency of your stitch management.

1. Crochet the first stitch of the round.

2. Insert the stitch marker under both top loops of the stitch you just made, and clip it closed like a safety pin.

3. Crochet the rest of the round as you normally would. When you’ve crocheted into the last hole before the stitch marker, you’re done. Count the number of stitches in the round, starting with the one marked by the stitch marker. (Remember, the loop on the hook does not count as a stitch.) If it matches the pattern, then congrats! You can move onto the next round.
Insert the stitch marker from the front to the back of the piece, with the open edge on the bottom. This way, you can use your thumb to help push the stitch marker open.
Still have questions?
What is a crochet stitch marker?
A crochet stitch marker serves as a compact aid in maintaining precise tracking of the specific round, row, or stitch within a crochet project. This indispensable tool proves highly advantageous for crochet enthusiasts.
These markers encompass a diverse range of materials, ranging from uncomplicated plastic components to items such as paper clips, embroidery floss, safety pins, or even segments of yarn with distinctive colors. Typically affixed to either the initial or concluding stitch of a row or round, stitch markers play a crucial role in facilitating crocheters to discern their current position without the need for manual counting. This elimination of manual counting not only alleviates potential confusion but also mitigates frustration and saves valuable time for the crafter. Furthermore, stitch markers prove invaluable in maintaining an accurate tally between pattern repeats and the various segments encompassed within those repetitions.
What are stitch markers used for?
Crochet stitch markers offer a versatile utility by indicating key points such as stitch repetitions, the current round, or any other crucial reference markers within your project.
In addition to these fundamental functions, stitch markers can be creatively employed for various other purposes. They prove invaluable in meticulously tracking the quantity and type of stitches required in each row, thereby ensuring precision in the crafting process. Furthermore, stitch markers serve as effective placeholders when transitioning between distinct sections during the crochet work, particularly in patterns involving intricate decreases and increases. This multifaceted usage enhances their role beyond mere positional indicators, contributing significantly to the overall organization and clarity of the crochet project.
How do I place a stitch marker in crochet?
For effective utilization of a crochet stitch marker, it is recommended to carefully slip it under the horizontal V of the stitch that requires marking. At The ICrochetIt, our practice involves employing stitch markers to designate the initial stitch of a round or row. Additionally, stitch markers find common application in demarcating transitions between pattern changes and new sections within a project. This is particularly useful when switching from one type of stitch, such as double crochets, to another, like single crochets, in the ongoing work.